Thursday, April 22, 2010


If you are like me then you have multiple to do lists - one for your kids, a "honey do" list for your husband and birthday gifts to buy, etc. Sometimes my to do's are a running list of things I need to tackle over time e.g., house projects.  However, my problem is that I go back and forth between keeping them on a piece of paper and making notes on my iPhone. I have not been very good about putting all of these to do's in one place...Until now. 

I now use the 2Do App - 

Check it out here at iTunes: 2Do App  

There is a lite version and a full version. While the lite is good, it is of course limited. Splurge for the full version. Here's one of the reasons why I did: You can create one category e.g., "Home" and underneath it you can create a list of to do's. The list can have timing on it or not. Then as you complete these tasks you simple check it off and the rest of the list is still there. You can categorize your lists by Home, Work, Birthdays, Starred, Today, is truly endless.  The Birthday App happens to import birthday's from your contacts, but you can also add them in. There is so much that this App can do. It has really helped me get more organized. Hope it will help you too!

1 Comment:

Heidi said...

I have phone envy!