Thursday, April 15, 2010


On episode 5 of PFD I mentioned that my husband was out buying a new faucet for our kitchen without me. I expected it to be much like the time we got the advice to let our 7 year old help name the new baby as a way for him feel involved.  He picked the name 'Hulk'.

So, when I got home from recording and was greeted by a shiny new working faucet, I was kinda disappointed.  There's no story here folks!  My husband managed to pick the Vanilla Ice Cream of plumbing fixtures.  Middle of the road, no way to be offended by, standard faucet.  Boring but functional.  I would have picked something with a bit more funk factor but, other than that, the faucet is fine.  And my husband fixed it in one night so there isn't even a story there.  I could tell you about the fact that our toilet paper rolls have to live on the floor since he hasn't hung up the holders....since last November.  I could do it myself, but then who would complain about the toilet paper rolls on the bathroom floor?