Sunday, April 04, 2010

PFD Ep 2:Boob Tape, Projectile Vomit and the 2010 Census

Join us as Heidi discovers Corrado's Market, Julie explores the plus and minuses of invisible boob lift tape and Heidi describes what a "unaboob" is. Julie shares her travel woes about smelly hotel rooms and Heidi misses winning AFV's 10.000 prize by NOT capturing the projectile vomit during her son's concert. Lastly, we talk about our issues with the 2010 Census.

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Unknown said...

I used duck tape when I was in Jr High. I had an off the shoulder shirt and need to lift and hide. Yep...HURTS LIKE HELL

Unknown said...

Regarding the Census, my husband told me to check "other" and put "American".

Heidi said...

Norman always says that there are a million uses for duct tape...we will have to add bra to the mix. That is too funny...thanks for sharing. I promise to only make fun of you a little bit and with love! said...

ouch!! duck it.