Saturday, May 22, 2010


Remember the 'Honey-Do' post a few weeks ago? It was actually part of a contest through Twitter Moms, sponsored by ServiceLive. Guess what? I was chosen as one of two winners of the grand prize! So now I have a nice credit over with the good folks at ServiceLive to hire a handyman. And, even though my husband is super handy and owns every tool imaginable, I REALLY do need that handyman. Here's why......
Remember this picture? This is the toilet paper holder in the boys/guest bathroom. It fell down last November. I remember when it fell down because it was right before I was going to host over 30 people for Thanksgiving dinner. When you are about to have that many people over, you notice things like toilet paper on the floor.

Well, after MONTHS of asking Norman to fix the holder, he came home with THIS! REALLY? So now I have 2 holes in the wall and THIS. Norman's explanation, and by explanation I mean LAME EXCUSE, is that there is no stud....boys pull too hard...anchors won't work....BLAH BLAH BLAH. And THIS thing? Well, I guess the idea isn't bad...but, when the boys pull on the paper, they pull too hard? or fast? and the whole roll goes flying across the bathroom. Who thinks they pick it up? You'd be WRONG!
So, I'm keeping this project on the 'Honey-Do' list because somehow, it just don't feel quite done. And just to send the point home....Norman, this is your dinner tonight....

Not quite done is it?

1 Comment:

Carrie said...

LOL! They really need nagging don't they?? Except my hubby would be too cheap to go buy another toilet paper holder. haha.

My mom just gave me 2 antique washboards like that! I havent figured out what to do with them, except maybe hang them in the laundry room. I'm definitely not using them to scrub underoos.. :)