Saturday, April 24, 2010


I love Trader Joe's. They have some great products, and I fall deeply in love with them dangerously quick. But sometimes, Trader Joe and I need counseling. I try to be understanding, really I do....but Trader Joe's discontinues product I love with NO warning. And I get angry. And I call Trader Joe's names. I slam the door behind me and say I will never come back. Why did you get rid of Peanut Butter Jo Jo's Joe??? But a couple weeks later, I have forgiven Joe and I find myself strolling down the aisles finding new products I love as much as the old ones. Then I have to hug Trader Joe's and say: "Why do you make me hurt you baby?"

I thought we might be broken up for good when they stopped selling my favorite Grapefruit body scrub. HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO GET MY SCRUB ON IN THE SHOWER NOW JOE? See...anger, I can't control myself!

Anyway, while trying to heal from the betrayal, I thought, 'I bet I can make that'.

First time around I tried it with Kosher Salt...OUCH! Too rough. So, then I tried it with sugar. Perfect! Good scrub and its tasty! Easy, cheap and scrubby...I'm hooked.
1 c. white sugar
Essential Oil - I use 12 dropped of Grapefruit. You can use any smell you like.
1/4 cup Olive Oil
I throw everything into a glass jar with a lid and shake it up. It may be wise to use plastic in the shower. I like the glass.

Also, when you use an oil product like this, it will make your shower floor slippery. If you are planning to redo your bathroom...I'M LOOKING AT YOU should use small stone tiles on the floor of your shower with some texture. That's what I have and even if they get oily you don't slip.

1 Comment:

Carrie said...

Sweet! I made something similar to this for Christmas gifts.. fizzy bath bombs. Martha has a recipe for it on her site. I have the leftover scented oil somewhere so I will have to give this a try :)